Posts Tagged ‘casual games’

DC251: Actionscript Tip – flickering custom mouse cursor

Friday, May 30th, 2008

Several of the projects in the Casual Games class feature a replacement for the mouse cursor. Depending on how you implemented this, you might run into the dreaded "flickering mouse cursor" problem. It was a bit of a puzzler at first, but here's a quick walkthrough on how to solve the problem...


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DC251: Getting Keyboard Input

Saturday, May 10th, 2008

I've had a couple of students ask me what the easiest way to figure out which key the user pressed is. So I wrote a quick and simple sample program that does that very thing.

I've added it to the sample code page.

Hopefully it explains everything thoroughly, but if any questions remain, please let me know!

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DC251: Homework Details

Saturday, April 12th, 2008

Here are the promised details on the homework assignment:

Take the "" file and modify it. Instead of outputting the stats as numbered stats, each stat should be given a name. There are six stats, and we've been using the D&D example quite a bit in class, so let's just stick with those stats. Thus, in order, your code should output: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. Should be relatively simple.

Extra Credit:

Update this program to use a more update stat generation system: roll four six sided die, and add the three highest together to reach the stat. This makes it more likely that your character won't suck.

Also note: The course page has been updated with a link to the sample code from class

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