Archive for the ‘Academia’ Category

GAD225 HW5: Word Games

Monday, December 1st, 2008

For this project, present the user with the option to play any of the following three games:

1. Hangman, pick a word from your wordlist. Display it with dashes in place of the letters. Allow the user to guess letters (or the complete word as a separate option). Give them a finite amount of guesses. After it's over, allow them to play again with a new word, or go back to main menu.

2. Scramble, pick a word from your wordlist. Display it scrambled. Allow the user to guess the word. After it's over, allow them to play again with a new word, or go back to the main menu.

3. Mastermind. Generate a four digit number using only 1-6 for each digit. Allow the user to guess. Indicate how many numbers are correct, and how many are both correct AND in the right spot.

You can make additional combo options of the above for extra credit.

IM211: Final Homework Roundup

Saturday, November 22nd, 2008

Here is a general update to the schedule for the rest of the quarter.  Ignore the existing schedule and go by this for the last few weeks:


GAD225 HW: Cards and Decks

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

As discussed in class on Monday, you need to create a Card object from scratch, as well as a Deck object from scratch. I have provided you with a test class that you are not allowed to change. It can be found here.

Details on the Card and Deck requirements are found below. I've added 2 small things that we didn't discuss in class, so check it out.


GAD225: HW3

Sunday, November 9th, 2008

Due Week 7!

Grab CalendarTester. Fill in the missing functions. There is a pretty good order to fill them in to make your code work with other parts of your code most conveniently, so try and make that happen by reading through all the functions you need first, and figuring out where dependencies lie.

Additionally, in a separate file, Allow the user to enter a number (called n). This is the length of an array for you to create, filled with random numbers between 0 and 2n.

Make functions to do the following:

  • Find the biggest number in the array
  • Find the smallest number in the array
  • Reverse the order of the numbers
  • Find the total of all the numbers
  • Find the Average of all the numbers
  • Extra Credit:  Sort the array, without using the built in sort.

IM211 Homework Updates

Friday, November 7th, 2008

Week 6:
Have three rough homepage designs ready for presentation at the start of class.  Should show navigation, layout, color choice, and fonts.  No content necessary.  They should be rough, "first steps".  They should represent completely different approaches to the site.
Also, if you are one of the slackers who doesn't have your personas done yet, get them done, we'll need them for the critiques.

Week 7:

Site map.

Flow charts for three of your personas, representing their behavior through the site.  Use proper flow chart notation.


More finalized design layouts, specifically following the paths of one of your personas.

GAD225: Midterm Study Guide

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

Some key things to study:

  • Be comfortable writing loops.  Be able to look at an existing loop and know how many times it executes.  A good sample problem might be to take the stat generator from an earlier class, and make it loop to generate a specific number of stats.  Or loop until you get the roll you want.
  • Know random number generation.  The above sample problem would help with that too.
  • Be comfortable with the basic math and logic operators.  Know what each does, and their order of precedence.
  • Be able to use truth tables to dissect when a compound logic statement is true.  a && (b || !c) is true in what cases?
  • Be able to trouble shoot code for bugs.  Hopefully your homework has gotten you used to this, as there isn't much I can tell you to study directly.
  • Understand the way that functions work (including parameters and returning values), and be able to separate code out into a function.  CalendarTester will be useful for this.

GAD225 HW 2

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008
  1. Create an Array with 100 numbers in it. Each number should be randomly generated, and somewhere between 1 and 100.
  2. Tell me the total of all the numbers in the array.
  3. Tell me the average of all the numbers in the array.
  4. Tell me the value of the biggest number in the array.
  5. Tell me the value of the smallest number in the array.
  6. Sort the array (by hand, DO NOT USE the built in sort() function). We will discuss a method for doing this in class.
  7. Tell me the median value of the numbers in the array.
  8. Tell me the mode of the array.

Function Stuff:

  1. Each of the numbers above should be their own function, taking in the array as a parameter, and returning whatever is appropriate.
  2. Call each function based on user input (create a menu system, similar to InputCruncher).
  3. This may require some global data, but still pass stuff around via parameters where you can.

GAD219: Post Class Update

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

Hey gang, three things, some of you may have missed right as class ended:

1. Bring any potentially useful models that you have from before to class on Monday.
2. Email me the list of assets you need for your level, along with a description or reference, by the end of tomorrow. If there is no description/reference, it will be dropped from the list. The email should also note 3 models/textures you would like to do for class on Monday. I'll get back to you with the assignment a day later.
3. For monday, have an excruciatingly detailed description of the areas you want to concept. Three of them. No exceptions.

IM211: Files Uploaded

Saturday, October 18th, 2008

The files I mentioned in class have been uploaded to the new downloads page for the course. Head on over there and grab them as they will be very helpful.

Don't forget, you should read the "Writing Process" chapter of Capture Deliver Excel, found on that page.

GAD225: HW 1

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

The first two should be solveable immediately, but the last 3 will require some stuff from week 2, so you'll have to either read ahead, or wait until next week to started on them.

  1. Write a program that uses a series of outputs to display ASCII art. Be creative. Your program's output should be better looking than my "Face" program!
  2. Write a program that prints out a traces out a series of lines that explains how to calculate the following 5 geometric result: area of a rectangle, perimeter of a rectangle, area of a triangle, area of a circle (you can use Math.PI for pi!), and circumference of a circle. Trace out both an equation showing how it is calculated, and an example calculation, for each one.
  3. Generate three random numbers, for the following three variables: balance (Number), interestRate(Number), and minimumBalance (int).

    balance should be some number between 0 and 10,000.
    interestRate should be some number between 0 and 0.1
    minimumBalance should be some int multiple of 100, between 0 and 5,000

    If the balance is less than minimumBalance, charge the user a $100 fee.
    If the balance is at least twice the minimumBalance, double the interestRate.
    Apply the interest rate to the balance.

  4. Make a random number generator that simulates rolling 3 (6 sided) dice. Roll them once to determine your base number, and then print it out. Then roll them as many times as it takes to hit that base number again, printing out the total number of rolls. Also print out how many times you rolled higher than the base number, and how many times you rolled lower than your base number. NOTE: Matching your base number just means having the same total. I don't care what the actual dice show. A 12 is a 12.
  5. Let's make a dice check game. Rolling 3 6 sided dice again, let's roll until we have successfully rolled each possible result (3-18) at least once. Once this has happened, print out the total number of times each result showed up, as well as what percentage of the time each result showed up.