IM211: Final Homework Roundup

Here is a general update to the schedule for the rest of the quarter.  Ignore the existing schedule and go by this for the last few weeks:

Week 8:

No class, eat some Turkey.

Week 9:

DUE:  Visual walkthrough - take one of your personas' flowcharts, and depict this visually through your redisigned site.  Do a mock up of each page your persona sees while executing their task.  Assemble these into a document with a first person description from your persona's perspective describing their task.

IN CLASS:  We will be workshopping the layout/design of the actual document.  It would be a good idea to show up with something rough and ready to discuss.  Lots of lab time today.

Week 10:
DUE:  Process notebook.  You should have been keeping a design notebook all quarter.  That is due week 10.  I'll be checking them off this day.

IN CLASS:  Discussion on final presentations of the project, and final workshopping/lab hours on the project.

Week 11:

DUE:  Final project, printed, in color, assembled, ready to go at the start of class.

IN CLASS: Final presentations.  5 minutes each (+ questions from audience).

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