Heads up to the new visitors

There's a good chance if you are at my site today, and you aren't one of my students, that you followed a link from Cory Doctorow's (of Boing Boing) twitter account. Admittedly, you'll find that there's not too much up here interesting to non-students beyond the Title Generator that he linked, as I've use this page primarily for my classes. I do have some projects that will be launched here sooner or later though, so really, you're just ahead of the curve and beating the crowd. Expect a flash game as well as sporadic other updates over the next few months, sooner or later depending on how my schedule changes.

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One Response to “Heads up to the new visitors”

  1. Alexander Ruvalcaba Says:

    hey i just wanted to say that i have a finished platypotamus picture i never got to you.
    And shouldn't the field above say "Email" not "Mail".
    Anyway, if you wanted the picture just shoot me your email K?

    Alexander Ruvalcaba