IM231: Kiosk Design

For this assigment, you must design a kiosk interface.  We're going to do this one a little bit differently than any of the web interface projects we've done so far, so make sure you read through the instructions carefully.First thing to note, this project is only a week long.  So there will be no rough draft, we're going straight to the final project.For this project, you must choose some sort of kiosk that exists in the real world to redesign.  Possible choices include

  • ATM Machines
  • Interactive Directories (you're at a mall, it's got the You Are Here, you want to get to the GAP and it shows you how)
  • Self Check Out at a grocery store
  • Ticket Purchase/Pickup at a movie theater
  • Ticket Pickup at Airport
  • Electronic Voting Booth

Other types of kiosks are subject to instructor approval (at which point I'll add them to the above list).The largest requirement for the assignment is that your project must walk us through the entire transaction that a user might perform.  So, if you are doing an ATM interface, it must walk us through everything the user would see when attempting to withdraw $20.  If you are purchasing a movie ticket, it must walk us through every step of that process.Additionally, if your kiosk takes input from something aside from a touch screen, you must indicate what this is somehow.  If it's a keyboard, that's fine, just make sure that is clear.  If there are some other types of buttons (like those along the outside of the screen on some ATM machines), make sure you indicate the positioning of these buttons somehow.

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