IM231: Children’s Website, Step 1
First, here is the collection of links that we discussed in class, in case you need to refresh your memory:
Next, you should read up through chapter 5 in the book by next week.
Finally, the details of the first part of the assignment are behind the cut below.
Due at the beginning of class, week 3.
As discussed in class, please read this all carefully:
You are free to choose the subject matter of your website, so long as it is for children. It can be a redesign of an existing site, or some for some imaginary company/product/toy/tv show/movie/etc. Multiple students are free to choose the same subject matter. This is likely the most freedom you will have in choosing a project this quarter, so enjoy it!
Submit 5 layouts for a homepage for this children's site. It is rare for me to say this but: be careful not to spend too much time on any of these. They need to convey the general approach you will be taking with the site, and nothing else. You will only be moving forward with one of these (TBD next class).
The layouts must:
- Be no more than 800px wide, with the assumption of only the top 600px being visible in the browser without scrolling.
- Feature some sort of Site ID, indicating what site we're at
- Feature some sort of navigation to get to the various sections of the site
- Feature some section of the site that indicates what's new
- Feature labels/notations (make sure it's clear that they aren't PART of the layout), such that you won't need to explain your design verbally (though you'll still be asked to).
- Indicate your intended color palette
Good ideas:
- Attempt to make each of your five layouts as distinct as possible. Vary positioning, size, and color choices as much as you can between them.
- Be ready to explain why you have done something to your layout. The first step to this is to make sure you think through your decision making process.